Karen Kirkness Yoga Teacher Training School

Engage at your own pace with blended learning in a mix of online and in-person modules with Dr Karen Kirkness, accredited with the Yoga Alliance since 2015.

You will gain foundations in anatomy and traditional yogic principles in my Yoga Teacher Training courses. The curriculum is learner-centric and grounded in anatomy. To get the most out of the journey, I recommend you have at least one year of practice before applying. The syllabus is based on the content of my book, Spiral Bound: Integrated Anatomy for Yoga.

Your path to professionalising as an excellent Yoga Teacher in Scotland and beyond starts today.

Are you a previously qualified 200-Hr teacher seeking the next level in your career?

Whether you're a seasoned movement teacher or coming to Yoga Teacher Training in Scotland for the first time: Karen Kirkness Yoga Teacher Training has got you covered. Some experience of Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga is recommended but not required to apply.

200-Hr Foundations

Begin your teaching journey with strong roots in Anatomy & Physiology, focusing on the basics you need to teach yoga safely. One year of yoga experience is recommended.

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Become an RYT 200

With successful completion of your 200-Hr programme, you will qualify as a Yoga Teacher and you can apply to the Yoga Alliance as a Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT 200).

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300-Hr Advanced 

Take your existing 200-Hr Certificate (from any Yoga Alliance programme) to the next level with this Advanced Training which is offered as three Modules of 100-Hr CPD.

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E-RYT 500

With successful completion of both a 200-Hr and 300-Hr programme, you enter the final phase needed to qualify as an Experienced RYT at the 500-Hour level.

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Eilidh C

"Karen was absolutely dedicated to delivering the highest possible standard of training. She created a safe, relaxed, welcoming environment for us to learn the TT material."

Why aim for E-RYT 500?

The Yoga Alliance credentialing system highlights the experience and special training of its member teachers.

Let's be honest: in 2025, there are a lot of registered yoga teachers out there! The E-RYT 500 allows you to craft your development as a teacher, showcasing your commitment to excellent standards of teaching.

How do I apply?

Continuous Professional Development 

All 100 hours of Yoga Alliance CPD building to the 300-Hour Advanced YTT

Build on your foundational training and stay at the forefront of fascia science with these immersive online training courses with in-person options. Each module below comes with a detailed online resource where you will find a listing for each movement including a video and description. Apply for the 300-Hr Advanced Training and once accepted, these modules become yours along with the three in-person weekends (Sept, Oct, Nov) and continuous online group mentorship. 

Five Filaments Specialist 

Fully Self-paced

Specialise in spiral motion with this self-paced online CPD that contains all the theory and practice you need to feel confident as an Advanced Spiral Vinyasa teacher.

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5F Repertoire

Self-paced with in-person options

Learn the full set of movements for each Filament in this Practical CPD course, building your spiral motion sequences with confidence, creativity, and accessibility.

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5F Contact Pre-hab
Self-paced with in-person requirement

Get hands-on with this TTP (Techniques, Training & Practice) CPD course where you will use 5F-based spiral motion in a 1:1 setting with clients and gain experience assisting in the yoga setting.

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Sueann R

"My practice has changed completely since I started the course. I am stronger and more focused and I just want to learn more! Doing this training course has not only improved my practice but it's also changed my life for the better..."

Prenatal Yoga CPD

This 50-hour intensive CPD training will provide yoga teachers with all the tools they need to deliver nurturing yoga classes safely to women during pregnancy. Learn the foundations of pregnancy physiology that will foster confidence whether your goal is to integrate pregnant students into your classes or to offer dedicated pregnancy yoga classes. 


Prenatal Yoga CPD

For more details about the course and to pre-register, click below.

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Janet R

"An excellently designed course giving the student a unique insight into yoga anatomy. Karen is a truly excellent and generous teacher. Her anatomy courses are of the highest quality and the opportunity to work with cadaveric material makes this a truly unique experience. I would recommend this training wholeheartedly."

2025-26 Yoga Teacher Training Cohort

Please click below for course details, dates and application forms.

Tara K

"This intensive Teacher training course changed my life, my perspective on yoga, and made me realise how important your own self-practice is to help you grow to become a successful yoga teacher. Challenging but fun, it covered everything I needed to start my yoga journey and all the yoga teachers were extremely knowledgeable and professional. I found the environment supportive and very connected with others."

Ten years of Avid Yogi

Karen named her RYS (registered yoga school) Avid Yogi in the spirit of the Sanskrit term for fervent enthusiasm, tapaḥ. The first cohort graduated in 2015.

Yoga Alliance FAQs

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"The school created a really supportive environment and a variety of teaching methods were used which kept it diverse and interesting using lots of practical work including for example paint to study anatomy which was enjoyable, helpful group work and the chance to practice adjustments and assist and observe teaching. There was also the opportunity to practice teaching and gain feedback which I found invaluable."

Training Terms & Conditions

Everything you need to know before booking your training course.


"Loved the weekend and left feeling inspired to learn more. Karen knows her stuff, and delivers very complex material in an accessible way. I'm looking forward to spending time reading the course notes in more detail and developing my knowledge further."

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Faculty Emeriti

Nadine Watton

Senior yoga teacher and overall inspiring human, Nadine Watton teaches classes, workshops, and her signature Yin & Restorative training as well as chanting and community events.

Find Nadine

Amy Hughes

Beyond her incredible asana practice, Amy brings humour and a sharp critical appreciation to the yoga literature. She is known for the balanced embodiment of her roots in Anusara and Ashtanga.

Find Amy

Rachel Boddy

Rachel was instrumental in setting up Karen's RYS with the Yoga Alliance and supporting the teaching modules with her characteristic vision and team spirit. Her loss is felt to this day. 

Amazing Rachel

Ame Wren

Ame joined us all the way from Boston Yoga School to lead the third year of Avid Yogi. She blew us all away with her vast knowledge and experience across the range of yogic disciplines.

Find Ame

Learn to teach yoga

Spiral Vinyasa Yoga begins with a foundation in Patanjali's practice known as aṣṭāṅga, a Sanskrit term meaning "having eight limbs or components".

Embrace the modern Ashtanga Vinyasa Primary Series in your 200-Hour training while you also learn the rotational biomechanics of safe, breath-centred movement. Spiral Vinyasa is a dynamic form of flowing yoga that will challenge, support, and nourish you and your students for a lifetime of practice.

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