Oui! Join us on Retreat: Summer 2024 in the Ardèche

Sep 25, 2023

Connect to the spiral essence of nature's wisdom during four beautiful days of community, creativity and movement with your inspirational guides Célina Hwang & Dr Karen Kirkness.

You'll be warmly welcomed in an informal and friendly atmosphere that will inspire you to immerse yourself in somatic and creative projects, all in the splendid natural setting of the Domaine du Taillé in the Ardèche, in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Southeastern France.

The spiral is the quintessential expression of the movement of life, found everywhere and on every scale: the Milky Way, our spiral Galaxy, the tornado of the wind, the whirlpool of water, the shell, the plant, chromatin: the spiral structure of our chromosomes.

This matrix is tattooed on our fingertips in our human footprints, like the memory of the sacred mathematical formula of Life.

Together we'll plunge into the heart of the spiral through our senses to develop the sense of movement and understand the extent to which this original motif of nature is embedded in the fabric of living matter.

Through the movement of the 5 Filaments, breathing, drawing, making models, origami, and land art, individually and collectively we will deeply reweave this sacred pattern within us to reactivate what links us to our origins so that Life can flow freely.

Each day will begin and end with 5 Filaments Flow movement practices, accessible to all, followed by creative workshops and free time to enjoy the magic of the place, bathe, rest, share, and regenerate intensely in contact with Nature.

Célina Hwang and Dr Karen Kirkness combine over 50 years of experience in the art of transmitting movement.

They met as colleagues in their joint work as educators in the fascia research community, each passionate about the power of optimizing health outcomes by facilitating spiral movement.

Sunday 7 July 3pm to Wednesday 10 July 3pm.

in French and English (translation available)

The price includes Célina and Karen's teaching and all workshop supplies (accommodation is not included). 499 CHF (2 paiements de 275 CHF) 

Book here.

Full-board accommodation can be booked directly with the Domaine du Taillé. With over 10 different accommodation options, from eco-chic tents to tipis, chalets, yurts, shared rooms or on your own, you can book the option that suits you and your budget:https://www.domainedutaille.com/


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