Sept 26th: Fungi Foraging Walk & Wild Food Picnic with Mark Williams

10:30am - 2:30pm, September 26th, 2024.

Join me and my foraging mentor this August for deep learning and good eatin' in the Tweed Valley, Scottish Borders!

August is the beginning of high fungi season in Scotland's Tweed Valley, and this event is designed to make the most of it and prime you for the season ahead.

We will explore the fascinating world of fungi over about 1.5 miles of easy walking over 3.5 hours. Our focus is on understanding, learning to identify, and appreciating the incredible diversity of queendom fungi, including edible wild mushrooms.

What you'll get:

  • Learn to identify species
  • Forage your own mushrooms
  • Wild food Bento Box!

Your host for the day will be Mark Williams of Galloway Wild Foods.

Mark is a passionate mycophile, wild gastronomer and professional wild food educator, who has been teaching about fungi and wild mushroom identification for over 30 years.

Mark is a font of knowledge and enthusiasm on wild fungi, specialising in making this often daunting subject fun and accessible to novices while providing solid foundations for a lifetime of discovery, enjoyment and worry-free wild eating. Mark writes widely on this subject and works closely with leading mycologists and landowner/conservation organisations such as The National Trust, Kew Gardens, and Scottish Natural Heritage.

You’ve really changed my life with the exceptional knowledge you passed on to me on the foraging day. So ecstatic that the rest of my life is now an everlasting treasure hunt. Life changing! The skills you passed on and the enthusiasm for observance was a true gift and I now see the world through an extra dimension!”

 – Kit Cubitt, E. Lothian

£80.00 GBP

By completing your purchase, you agree with the following:

  • All fees are non-refundable, and the event will go ahead in any kind of weather.
  • You acknowledge that Nature is mysterious. Sometimes, there is abundance, and other times, there is scarcity. We don't know what we will find on the day!
  • You understand that if you are late, we may have departed on the walk, and you'll have to find us to join up.
  • Outdoor events are subject to risks; you take full responsibility for your own safety when you complete your purchase here.